Today was the big day!. A weigh-in to see if all my hard work, pain, sacrafice and skinny eating would pay off. I stopped weighing myself at home because the scale was stuck on the same number it was on the first day. When I got to the gym other ladies in the class were being weighed. Every single one lost at least three pounds all the way up to an amazing 10 pounds. I waited anxiously for my turn on the scale, then promptly at 5:30 AM the instructor told us to get on our equipment. I would have to wait until the end of class to get weighed.
Holy Excercise! I want to know now !#*#%!
But I burned through the road block and got into the days routine of leg work.
Forward Lunges, backward lunges, knee bends, knee extensions, high running steps, repeat, repeat repeat!
Finally after 45 minutes of working my legs to rubbery stubs it was time for the weigh in
Tada! 3 pounds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Twice as much as I had set for my goal 3xs more than I thought I had lost!
Great motivation for the next nine weeks, this is actually working!
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